Few hours left and another year will pass again and the old pages of the calendar will soon be replaced by a brand new one. So much for the memories, fun and hardships brought by this year for every one of us. Who would have thought that it’s only a matter of 365 days of sleep for the majority of us, excluding those people who are insomniac and such? Time really goes by with or without the noticing of people who are affected of its movements, people who are so busy working their asses off, afraid of catching the rain, people who are so afraid of their pasts that they keep on running like their having a race with the hands of a clock, and people who are just waiting for their own time to go to the “other side”. A new year is coming up very fast. Yet, some of these people will just be the same as last year and may be some will come to realize that they need to change. To all those people who are too busy to analyze their whole year like me, can we stop and think for a few second before the turning of the year about all the things that we have done for the whole year? Was it worth doing again? Was it right not to change and just be the same?
****partly true, partly made up. You just decide what.***
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Was everything worth doing again?
Posted by emylane at 11:00 0 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
The truth beneath all the woman's lies is her vanity and vagueness.
****partly true, partly made up. You just decide what.***
Posted by emylane at 18:29 0 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
First Black American who made himself the newest most powerful man in the World
****partly true, partly made up. You just decide what.***
Posted by emylane at 13:52 0 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
How's life without food??
Posted by emylane at 11:42 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Just passing by..
****partly true, partly made up. You just decide what.***
Posted by emylane at 08:26 0 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
In period of profound loneliness
Provided me wisdom to be free
And helped my problems to be less
Delighted love has been given
Gratitude beyond everything
Adoration I have received
Save my heart from the world of dim
Selfishness does it may seem
Flown towards my life long dream
Although you could oppose
Said love let go, doesn’t force
Emotionally I felt sorry
Deep inside I am empty
Leaving with nobody
Fate chose and I had agreed
Loving him, I am much better
Should have stayed with him forever
Now, wither I may be as he wane
I can’t fill him, for I pained
I desire to return, my tree
However, God says I should suffer
Flying away from you, I just existed
No drink, no green, and no life, I differ
Goodbye to you my life, my friend
I had come along way to end.
Fulfillment never occur with far dreams
I love you, that’s my greatest achievement.
__life of the leaf
****partly true, partly made up. You just decide what.***
Posted by emylane at 14:07 0 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Fairness For Criminals
These are the people who have violated someone’s rights. Criminals who have taken people’s lives and even the lives of innocent bystanders. Criminals who treated their spouses and families like rubbish and with violence. Criminals who are now being prosecuted, yet who are still on the streets spreading fear. Or they could be someone sitting beside you now. Once again, do they have the rights to be treated fairly?
Victims’ rights, morality and justice are not the only issues a judicial system should support. Above all, a judicial system should have fairness for everybody. We all have the right to pursue justice for what we have had suffered and we must have it fairly. Nonetheless, the ones who put us in that position should suffer also or even be punished for what they did. Am I right? However, as we pursue what we want, we tend to forget that the ones who did the crime still have their own human rights, even though they violated the rights of others. We would think, “Why would they still have their rights if they had offended someone else’s right? It is unfair, some of you would say. Now, I am asking to you, did you ever think or did it even come to your mind that once a person violated the law, you usually or sometimes conclude that his/her rights, as an individual living in a civilised society, should be abolished?
I believe criminals still have the right to defend themselves and have any legal representations they need. Many defence lawyers are often being misunderstood, even suspected of placing loyalty to clients above loyalty to society, and are associated with the misdeeds of their clients in the public mind. The very fact that a defence attorney represents a guilty client leads some people to conclude that the lawyer also must be untrustworthy like his/her client. Consider what these defence attorneys’ who represent scum, killing criminals, are really seeking for his client? They want fairness for all, even to these criminals. You might say right now that I am only bluffing about these interpretations. Well, here’s my evidence.
I had a family friend who was once practising defence law in Oklahoma City who is now spending his life in a wheelchair back in the Philippines. He had represented a man who was accused of beating his wife, which he really was. However, the Oklahoma Police Department failed to read him his rights and tortured him into confession while he was under custodial interrogation. He was tortured into confession! Nevertheless, the confession could not be used as evidence, and the judge had to dismiss the case. What is the connection of this case into what I am saying? My family friend had been treated badly, almost killed by half of the people in Oklahoma Police Department because they thought that it was his own fault that the man who was guilty in doing the crime was free and not serving time in jail. Three Policemen tried to harassed him in and out of his house, let his car brake loose and led him to have the accident that made him crippled. The criminal had been treated fairly and his own rights had been re-established because of his lawyer, yet the lawyer was treated badly. What a complete noble men these people are. Pursuing justice at all cost even though they have to set aside the suspect’s rights, they are just criminals after all. Are they being fair?
Another example of unfairness in a judicial system concerning criminals is how hard they are being punished. I reckon every one of you would think it depends on what crime he/she had done. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, punishment fits the crime. Although that punishment should be from absolute product of careful investigation and above all, a fair trial. Think about Saddam Hussein’s execution, he was found guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death by hanging which was subsequently affirmed by Iraq's Supreme Court of Appeals. Which I think is what he really deserved, isn’t?
Well, I have one story to tell again. In 1987, an Austin, Texas jury found a man named Jimmy Lee Page not guilty of murder, but 20 years later, he remains a prisoner. Disregarding the jury’s verdict, the Texas Parole Board revoked Page’s parole. Page’s case is, apparently, a common practice in Texas. Two years ago, 91 parolees were returned to prison after being charged with a crime, even though the charges against them were later dropped or they were acquitted in court. Page had pled guilty to a 1975 murder and served 11 years of a life sentence regardless of the Jury’s findings. Not only Page did not receive the clearance from the crime he didn’t commit, but also he had served more than a decade of his life for it. Could that be fair enough?
May you be on the victim’s side or criminal’s side or you could be the one who is affected by the law violation itself, we all deserve to be treated equally. We deserve to be treated fairly. We deserve to be treated equally. Not because a person did a crime, it doesn’t mean that he/she deserves to be treated differently. They might have done the most horrible thing a man could ever imagined, criminals are still human who still have the rights to be executed. Although some of you would think that doing horrible thins such as killing people eliminates them as human and be some kind of devil. The only thing I would say to counter that is, I guess, as a human, a person has to have someone who feels compassion and concern for them above anything else and above any horrible things; they did or had been doing. If they don’t have anyone at all and if we add those people whose being unfair and judgmental against them, is that could be an enough reason to pursue justice and fairness, being a man living in a civilised society ? Once again, criminals do deserve fairness.
****partly true, partly made up. You just decide what.***
Posted by emylane at 08:36 0 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
Belonging and Possessing
Have you ever stopped and thought about why people [countries] declare war with each other? The book’s plot is generally about the World War II and its effects on people caught in the middle. However, can you consider the real cause for this war? In today’s time, the basic reason for war is that the country wants something from the other country and ‘they’ will even go to extremes to acquire it. Therefore, we can say that war starts from greed and the craving of people for the things they want to belong to them. Greed and contentment are hard to separate once a person starts acquiring things that sometimes leads to discontentment, jealousy and war. “I looked at Jamie Killian, so healthy and vital in his uniform…And so I began to drift in life,” stated Hartley Penrose. Hartley’s feelings of insufficiency because he was handicapped had made him feel discontentment and jealousy. Because of this jealousy, he did not trust Mitsy’s love for him and remained blinded for such a long time although, Mitsy had once really loved him.
Greed and the desire to possess still exist in the society today. In 1991, the first President Bush issued a ringing statement calling on Iraqis to "take matters into their own hands", rise up against Saddam Hussein and the American Government will support them. Can you consider that every gun made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, all signifies a stealing from those who hunger and not being fed, those who are cold and are not clothed? Hunger, death and divisions have come from a person’s idea of pursuing what he thinks the right thing to do for his country although in doing so might affect thousands of people. and greed. After all these kind of sufferings, it leads me to think that one’s idea of possessing and belonging are important in moulding a peaceful society.
The character of Ida Penrose in the novel provides a perspective of one of the ways on how an individual adapts to his/her community. The sense of belonging is an essential part of being a person. If you feel you belong to your community, socialising and mingling is easier for you. However, for example, what if you are the Ida in the real world. What if you do not like what you see in your community? You try changing it to a place where you will fit and into a place where it suit your preferences. What happens when you feel like you’re failing in changing it? You give up and run away, then conclude that the place does not want you to belong to it. “We were too careless, too democratic for her taste. Our lives revolve around the seasons and the sea…”, Hartley Penrose stated about Ida. That is how the character of Ida has been created in the book, but some people also do that in reality. People try to change anything to suit them and possess it as their own. They blame anything when they fail to do so. People who are fully involved and participating with their community, which means socialising and having a sense of belonging, don’t change anything. They simply accept it as it is and adapt with it. Belonging and adapting to a place is very important in today’s time because the only way to a nation to stand up is to have its citizens stand as one.
In one of the chapters of the novel entitled, ‘Dim the Moon’, Hartley described how the Japanese, Malay, Filipinos and many “non-white” citizens living in Australia back then had to be interned and arrested because of suspicions. “Hey, Penrose, I hear you’re running a brothel. Got a pair of Japanese whores.” This was how Mitsy and her mom had been treated when the war had started. People felt that because of their race and physical features they could be classified as “whores”. This is a classic example of racial discrimination and the community’s part in a person’s feelings of belonging. When people feel that they do not belong to a place and they are being ‘discriminated’ against, the feeling of being estranged exists. They feel that they lack something and they start to crave for that thing or they try to be accepted. This kind of feeling can serve as an inspiration to some people but sometimes it could also lead to antisocial disorders like sociopathy. Even though there are laws now that will ensure equal rights, there are always people who discriminate against foreigners and immigrants. Recently, I and a group of Asian students encountered a teenage group of ‘emos’ in the street and they scowled at us saying, “All you bloody Asians, go back to your own country.” Now, how would you feel if (you are on our own shoes) that happened to you?
Possessing things and belonging to a place are very essential for building one’s individuality and also, for building a society that is beneficial to everybody especially in today’s time. With the help of the novel’s characters, events described, and the whole plot, I was inspired to consider and to react about some of the real issues that should be important today.
****partly true, partly made up. You just decide what.***
Posted by emylane at 08:33 0 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
The Leaf and the Tree
Oh, my leaf, please don’t leave and fly
For if you do, I will wither and die
I must stand and you may fall, be blown
Because my love does not force, just let go
My roots are hidden in the ground
Command me to be still, could not even turn around
Feeling that a part of me had already gone
Made an empty space inside and can never be undone
Some sees me as strong and omni potent
Cryptic statue who surpasses many event
But when the sun sets and darkness comes
Tears start to shred in thousands of tons.
Days passed, pages of calendar had been folded
From our memories together, dreams are molded
Imagine the life without your existence
All of my victories and successes are useless
Do you feel the abundance I feel, my leaf?
Everything said and done, still I am full of grief.
Had failed to moved on, for only you hold the key
Come back and see beautiful roses, I sure make you see.
I would shake heaven and earth for you to return
Though impossible, I will do just make your heart not to burn
Branches are shy and weak without your presence
My world is plain, candid, and no essence
I had let you go so you can feel freedom
Liberty from all pressure and foolish boredom
For you were born willful and ambitious
I understood and had told you to be cautious
My leaf, please return then fill me in?
Without you, I am hopeless and dying
Fulfill your dream here beside me,
For I can no longer stand, you waning tree.
The Leaf and the Tree
****partly true, partly made up. You just decide what.***
Posted by emylane at 11:21 0 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
The Earth Also Suffers
****partly true, partly made up. You just decide what.***
Posted by emylane at 11:23 0 comments
Sunday, April 6, 2008
The Painter
Beneath the hands of a painter
Reality fights with fantasy
His canvasses and drafts
Shall capture souls of wildness
Art along with patience
United by his passion
Creates pattern of realness
Unchains prowess of hunger
His lines, strokes, sketches
Part of his daily living
With an aim to reveal
Love for the creations
Deep within the paintings
Announces a sudden event
One that can describe
A painter’s interests
A drawing in simplicity
But a magic in grandeur
Portraits, landscapes, abstract
Names that beyond the meanings
With his palette, he paints
A mind that imagines all
A heart wants to express
In the art created by a gifted.
****partly true, partly made up. You just decide what.***
Posted by emylane at 09:18 2 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
Just a question
Sign of consciousness
Or a vagabond?
Accompanied by whispers
So heavenly
Full of life
Or a worthless act
What is within your smile?
Do you still have to hide it?
The uniqueness of you
Never would let you run
What do you have?
Accepted it in anyway?
Ask your inner self
What its real content
Well, how would you declare
That id never responded.
****partly true, partly made up. You just decide what.***
Posted by emylane at 16:44 0 comments
Curtains of the Northern Sky
The pleasantness of the day is as good as of the night. It does not have any distinguished difference for a child like Manuel, as long as the first does not affect the latter. As long as he can play his violin and have fun with his friends and family, everything is good and bright. No rainy days for him. Not until, he had a chance to see the northern lights, aurora borealis scientifically, that changed him into someone apart from his old self.
As Manuel went home, it was late, the dark had spread already, and he looked up to see the moon shining brightly above him. He had a feeling that the night will cause him a bundle of scornful comments from his mother. Not that he care anyway, he thought. He just walked leisurely and enjoyed the peaceful night. The wind blew behind him, building goose bumps in his skin, and a shivering cold in his body. Good thing I had a jacket, he thought again. Anyway that never even worry him a little bit, he continued his stroll to his own home late at night. He had looked back to see that he was the only kid loitering on the lane of olive trees, not even disturbed, he sat down and took out his violin. As Manuel stared at the moonlight, he played the violin with all the tranquillity he had been feeling deep inside. His music strayed along with the ethereal wind. Manuel had that wonderful talent only a few could have; even a busy squirrel on the oak tree would stop if Manuel’s music were on the air.
The dark finally had its power on the land of Manuel, and the kid did not even bother to worry of the lateness of the time. Far north of the night sky, a faint glow of light implicitly touches the horizon. Manuel just stared, shrugged, and continued playing his violin. Then a long, writhing snake-like ribbon appeared over the dark sector stretching across the horizon from left to right. As the moment seized to be praised, Manuel looked above his head and suddenly surprised that the ribbon was rapidly approaching his head and had already evolved itself into a rippling curtain of ghostly green light, even tinged neon-pink. Very opposing to the way he had acted earlier, Manuel started to find safety for his violin and decided to put it into his bursting knapsack. Got his feet walking faster or even running staggered, to escape the luring curtain of cosmic light. His house was still far, a matter of an hour walking to reach it. He tried to fast his pace and he did not even have to glance back to see that the light had captured him effortlessly, and he was trapped by the ghostly aura of its.
Manuel thought all the worse would happen to him after being succumbed by the light, who could have blame for him thinking anything at all, being a kid not more than eight years, living brightly and worriless life far from a dazzling lights and bustling sounds of the city. For about an hour, he felt numbed by the moment. The green light had became composed of hundreds of fingers of light all waggling furiously. They seemed alive with the activity weaving like a silent waterfall of light, constantly pouring down from the sky yet never reaching the ground; they looked like ghost dancing in the night sky. The aurora is a ballerina dancing gracefully on the sky’s surface with her mystic moves and sultry music along with these amazing lights.
He watched adrift to nothing, ignorant and frightened until the lights faded up to the north sky. He had not noticed that his knapsack already hit the ground and his shorts were already wet, he was sweating profusely and his tears were dripping on his face nonchalance. The greatest event he had set his eyes on was the event when he felt that nerve-pulsating fear he had never felt before his entire childhood resulting to a drastic change of his character. Back to where he was, Manuel absent-mindedly picked up his bag and run to reach his house, running for his life like a mad kid.
At last, he came home, searching for his mother with now had the eyes full of concern and worry, he cried full and hard, speechless and serious. After that storming emotions finally eluded him, he started to jabber his experience to his Mom. Sympathising with her son she had just hugged his son very tight, caging him with her motherly warmth and explained that the event did not meant to scare him but instead enchant him more about the beauty of his surroundings.
His life had move on even if he did not want to move on. He felt like sitting on a corner of his room, knees close to his chest and tried to erase that dreadful night in his memory; however, the life itself did not even let him to continue resting on his own inventive refuge, he had to grow up eventually, forcefully. He started to see his surroundings in a different way, no more leisure strolling late at night but instead, reading books of told stories about the ghost light he had terribly seen. The broken violin never been repaired but an old model of camera had been hanging on his neck since then.
Manuel became irritable and moody, serious and smugly. Never really understands the drastic change, some nearby folks thought the Snow Queen’s mirror had shattered again and drifted to Manuel’s eyes without his knowing during the appearing of the aurora. Folklore persists to survive even though the time itself tries to extinct them. Anyway, that was a different story to think about but Manuel’s story had just faded through the time as his some fellow kids had been.
Posted by emylane at 11:54 1 comments